Are you looking for a way to keep your house warm without breaking the bank? If so, you have come to the right place. The topic today is to discuss how to do just that by improving insulation in your home, sealing air leaks and closing your outside crawl space vents to your crawl space.

Let’s face it – heating bills can be expensive, especially during cold winter months and the winter of 2024-2025 is predicted to bring more precipitation than normal in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho…). When the temperatures dip below 32 degrees that means more snow AND that means the air in your home is going to be cold, so the typical reaction is to turn up the thermostat higher… more heat… more furnace… more heating bills.  However, there are ways to reduce these costs while still keeping your family comfortable. One of the most effective ways is to improve the insulation in your home. Properly insulating your walls, attic, and basement can help prevent heat loss and save money on energy bills.

Wait a minute… redo my insulation?  In the walls?  In the attic?  In the flooring?

That’s expensive !!!  Thousands of dollars !!!  Yes, it is expensive and over time you will recoup those costs but how much time?  Well, a long time but if you can afford it then definitely do it, it will make the interior of your home more comfortable in both the cold winter and the hot summer.

The EASY, INEXPENSIVE way to keep your home warm in the cold winter…

If you live in a crawl space home then you absolutely must close your crawl space vents… it makes so much difference. Your home will be so much more comfortable in the cold winter (and in the summer too but that is a topic for a different article and besides… winter is coming and summer is ending).

When it is 30 degrees outside and your outside crawl space vents (your foundation vents) are left open then the temperature in your crawl space will be about 30 degrees. That makes sense, right?  Absolutely.  So, it is like your home is sitting on top of an ice cube!  What do you think that does to your heating bill? Your heating bill goes up because your furnace must work harder.  Did you know that about 60-70% of the air in your crawl space home comes from your crawl space? It seeps up through the cracks and crevices of your flooring and venting. And in the cold winter, that is 30-degree air entering your living room, your kitchen, your bedroom… all coming from your crawl space when the outside vents are left open.

When you close your outside vents to your crawl space then the air in your crawl space stays much warmer.  With tried and true products like Vanity Vents “vent covers” and “insulation blocks” the difference in air temperature can be substantial (up to a 20-degree difference).  That means you don’t have 30-degree air seeping into the interior of your home… you have 50-degree temperature rising up into your home.  It is way more cost efficient for your furnace to warm up 50-degree air up to a comfortable interior home temperature of 68-70 degrees than it is to warm up 30-degree air. Think about it… your furnace will run for a shorter period of time which means YOU SAVE MONEY 😊

Right now, because it is the only option, most people use Styrofoam vent inserts to close their vents but we all know how much we do not like those Styrofoam inserts. They get dirty fast, they break and crack, they are not recyclable and they have to be replaced every 2 years or so. Up until the last couple of years crawl space homeowners didn’t have a choice. Styrofoam was the only option on the market. Not anymore!

Say Hello to Vanity Vents. Vanity Vents Insulation Blocks replace the old Styrofoam inserts. These insulation blocks last up to 50 years… military grade… stand up to the harshest of winters (and summers) and create a seal that keeps the air inside your crawl space much, much warmer than the outside air (up to 20 degrees and often even warmer depending upon how your home is built).

But even with charcoal black insulation blocks… they do the job functionally but they still leave your home with that look of having non-appealing eyesores called your vents. That’s why we invented Vanity Vents Vent Covers.  They come in 5 gorgeous colors to match your home and they are like putting jewelry on your home.  These vent covers just snap on over your vents (and over the insulation blocks so you are creating a double layer of insulation creating an R Value typical of most outside wall new home building construction). They create instant curb appeal.

If you want to have the nicest home on the block then get Vanity Vents vent covers.  No one else sells anything like these!  And they install from the outside in 3 seconds… and they come off in less time when you want to let your home breathe once the cold, cold winter has left. If you take pride in your home then you owe it to yourself to look at these…

Sealing Air Leaks in your Home to Reduce Utility Bills

In addition to making sure your outside foundation vents are closed in the winter (and the hottest summer months) you should look into sealing air leaks around doors and windows in your home. This can also make a significant difference in reducing heating costs. By taking these steps, you can stay warm without spending a fortune.

Air leaks occur when there is an unintended movement of air through gaps and cracks in your home’s envelope. These gaps and cracks can lead to drafts, discomfort, and higher energy bills. Luckily, sealing air leaks is relatively easy and cost-effective. You can start by identifying areas where air may be entering or leaving your home. Common places include doorways, window frames, electrical outlets, and ductwork. Once identified, use weatherstripping, caulk, or other appropriate materials to seal them up tight. By doing so, you can minimize unwanted airflow and enjoy more consistent temperatures inside your home.

Keeping your house warm without breaking the bank requires a combination of strategies such as making sure your outside crawlspace vents are closed in the coldest months (November – March), sealing air leaks in your home and possibly adding to or replacing old insulation in your home. Implementing these measures not only saves money but is also good for the environment and sustainability. For additional resources on the best way to close the foundation vents in your crawl space to reduce your utility bills in the winter (and summer), visit our website or contact us directly. We would love to hear from you!

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